
Continental Tire Part 2

Wow. I found the Continental Training tire I mentioned a couple of posts ago for way below MSRP. I found it for $32.99 from most of the places I could find it. But I visited a vendor I don't always go to and BAM! They have it. They normally have it for $32.99 but had it on there as a Price Match for $24.99. That's $10 off! Where?

Modern Bike has them for that.

They don't have everything under the sun, but for this, they had the right item at the right time at the right price. Now if they deliver... that's two thumbs up... er,wheels or sprockets or cranks or whatever a good cycling symbol for reviews there is out there. Personally, I'd just as soon use the "beers" in my profile.

How's that?

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